Yue Feng Computer Vision Ph.D student

About me

A Computer Vision Ph.D student working with Prof. Jia-Bin Huang at University of Maryland, College Park.

My research interest lies in the intersection of Computational Photography, Computer Vision and Computer Graphics.

Recently, I've been working on 3D-Aware GANs and Neural Radiance Field on human face, with Zhixin Shu, Fujun Luan, Sai Bi, Seoung Wug Oh, Kalyan Sunkavalli at Adobe Research during 2022 Summmer. And Hsin-Ying Lee, Sergey Tulyakov at Snap Research in 2021 Summmer.

Before that, I worked with Rich Caruana (Microsoft Research) and Andrew Farnsworth (Cornell University) at Virginia Tech. Christine P Hendon, Zoran Kostić, and Sunil K Agrawal at Columbia University. I also spent some time during the summer at Tsinghua University with Guangda Su.


Dynamic Mesh-Aware Radiance Fields
Yi-Ling Qiao, Alexander Gao, Yiran Xu, Yue Feng, Jia-Bin Huang Ming C. Lin
Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023
[Paper (PDF)] [Project Page] [Video] [Code] [Two Minute Papers] [Hugging face 🤗 ]


Submitted work featured in CVPR 2024 - 7th Workshop on Computer Vision for Fashion, Art, and Design

Review Service

Conference Reviewer: CVPR 2024, ECCV 2024, Neurips 2024


May.-Dec. 2022

Research Scientist Intern

May.-Aug. 2021

Research Scientist Intern


Sept. 2021 - Now

University of Maryland, College Park

Computer Scicence, Ph.D Student

Sept. 2020 - May. 2021

Virginia Tech

Computer Engineering, Ph.D Student

Aug. 2018 - May. 2020

Columbia University

Electrical Engineering, Master

Sept. 2014 - Jul. 2018

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Telecommunication Engineering, Bachelor


National Park

Great Smoky Mountains, NC | Shenandoah, VA | Hawaii Volcanoes, HI | Haleakalā, HI | Lassen Volcanic, CA | Redwood, CA | Yosemite, CA | Olympic, WA | White Sands, NM

Trails and Parks

Heritage Farm, VA | Huckleberry, VA | Mountain Lake, VA | Franklin Point, CA | Paint Branch, MD | Mission Dolores, CA

I started to play piano since 4 years old, but after I got the amateur top level certificate of piano.

I just quit.

I also learned painting around the same age, and explored 1 or 2 years each on Sketch(素描), quick sketch(速写), Chinese Painting(Gongbi 工笔 & Xieyi 写意), Gouache(水粉), Watercolor(水彩).

I am still a fan of painting.